Friday, December 16, 2011

The Christmas Stocking

I absolutely love Christmas time, I really do think it is one of the best times of the year! Christmas is full of family traditions that I will never forget. I have already shared one tradition of cutting down our Christmas tree and now I would like to share another tradition Our Family Christmas Stockings. 

I'm pretty well convinced that our family has the best Christmas stockings ever. They are the perfect size, they are personalized, and they are specially made by my Grandma. I can't even tell you how many Christmas stockings my Grandma has made, I wonder if she has kept track?? But if you are part of the Woehl Family you have a personalized knitted stocking made by my Grandma. And I mean everyone all of my Grandma's children, her grandchildren, and great grandchildren, My Grandma's nieces, and nephews, and their kids, and so on. It's pretty neat to think about my mom's cousins even family I don't see very often we all have a connection of sharing the same Christmas stocking. One of my Mom's cousins even wrote a story a few years back in his companies book about how special his stocking was to him. It makes me smile to think of how many people's lives my Grandma has touched just by something that seems so simple a Christmas stocking that is now a family tradition. 

Here is my first and only Christmas stocking that is 27 years old :)

Our family's stockings all lined up on the fireplace...................

I just love it!!! Thank you Grandma, We love you :)

Some of my best memories of Christmas are waking up in the morning and at the time running to the stairs of our house where our stockings hung and opening the gifts from Santa. My parents always had the rule we could open our stockings but had to wait until everyone was awake to open the rest of our gifts. Our stockings were filled with peanuts, an orange, underwear, socks, and candy :) It's kind of funny to think now that when I was opening my stocking as a little girl it was probably 6 o'clock in the morning.....The one day out of the year I would consider myself an early riser :) 

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