Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sensory Bins

As an ER nurse when I think of sensory bins I instantly get scared and think potential foreign body in nose or choking hazard!! I never really used these ideas until last year when we filled our sand table with corn kernels for the winter.....And sure enough we ended up with Teagan having a corn kernel stuck in her nose. Luckily we were able to get it out at home with a little trick I learned from an ER doctor. 

However, Today I did decided to pull out another sensory bin idea and this time I used Lima Beans, pinato beans, and kidney beans. The girls really seemed to enjoy this activity! 

Of course sensory items never really stay in the sensory bin.........
 And Harper would be the one to try to climb into the small bin...........
 But Blakely had a lot of fun going through the beans and feeling all the different textures.......

Teagan is a little on the older side I think for sensory bins and wasn't all that interested in playing in the bin like the younger two so she worked on categorizing, counting, and making patterns out of the beans.....
This is her don't take a picture face :) 

And then to top the day off we played in a big box!!! 

Sometimes its the simple things that make It a Sweet Life in a Sowers Home :)

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